The Right Way to Integrate Functional Medicine - FMFT

The Right Way to Integrate Functional Medicine

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The Right Way to Integrate Functional Medicine

Are you using a consult to consult model approach in your clinical setting?


That’s one of the main reasons why patient outcomes are not as good as expected.

Your frustration in not achieving outcomes you want is trapped in this paradigm.

The health care system is in CRISIS because health practitioners have to rush through appointments. Then they expect patients to know exactly what to do at home and at work.

Chronic disease and optimal wellness both require education, support and accountability.

As the chronic disease crisis escalates, the majority of our patients will have comorbidities as part of their current concerns such as:

  • Obesity
  • Diabetes
  • Hypertension
  • Arthritis
  • High cholesterol
  • Cardiovascular disease (to name very few)

These comorbidities are red flags for:

  • Chronic low-grade inflammation
  • High oxidative stress
  • Immune imbalance

These red flags are the fuel on the fire to not recovering from their current concerns.

Do we continue to give them Band-Aids until they inevitably go downhill? Continue to NOT give them the right personalized plan, education, support and accountability?

Or do we take a FRESH look at what has NOT been working and look at new paradigms of serving our patients at the highest possible levels, and guarantee a successful outcome?

As health practitioners, you might agree, that we are better placed than the public as base health knowledge goes.

So why then are the public using Dr. Google, self-biohacking, and any social media titbits to better their health?

Well, it is simple… they are not getting the results they hoped from the health profession as a whole.

One of the biggest reasons is that consult to consult sessions do not adequately support a patient with multiple comorbidities or those heading downhill to chronic dis-ease.

So why are practitioners still doing consult to consult ONLY?

Well, that’s the current paradigm… it’s tough to change. (Really!! Is that the best excuse?)

Then there’s medical insurance and third party interference…

And of course, practitioners are confused on how to deliver a comprehensive ‘Program.’

And then how and what to charge for the extra education, support and accountability in a program?

This lack of clarity is all understandable as times are changing.

This new paradigm is all new and only those that want to keep up with the times and adapt to patients needs will serve them at the highest possible level.

So the fact, that you are reading this tells me that you are seeking solutions and understand that consult to consult, face to face is NOT necessarily the best solution. (Let alone learning and integrating Functional Medicine the RIGHT WAY!!)

The joy is that once you connect the dots, that integrating Functional Medicine the RIGHT WAY alongside your existing skills in a “Program” style method is the best solution … your whole world can change.

Your frustration changes to JOY immediately!!

You will start to see happy patients that stop looking for solutions on social media.

The anxiety that has built up over the years of not knowing exactly how to get those chronic patients better will be released. You will finally watch patient compliance goes through the roof.

Then as the dust settles and you start learning to leverage your time… that balance in life between business, family and lifestyle will pop its beautiful head out… and say “Where have you been?”

These are the kind of results our clients are experiencing.

At Functional Medicine Fast Track, we help you achieve: The RIGHT WAY to integrate Functional Medicine knowledge alongside your skillset and show you how to set up programs that get the results you and your patients deserve.

We have the skill, the wisdom and the heart to help you create the business and the lifestyle you’ve dreamed of. One where you’re living 100% on purpose…making the difference you were born to make…and the income too.

The first step to creating that is to book a call.

We’ll get on the phone for about 45 minutes and get you crystal clear on:

  • The impact you were born to make.
  • The price you need to be charging for programs and to hit your income goals for that great balanced lifestyle you always wanted.
  • Then the best way for you to reach those future clients who are praying for your help.

It starts now.

It starts with booking one phone call.

Your patients are out there, and they need you.

If you’re ready to start integrating Functional Medicine alongside your current skillset, I highly recommend this Functional Medicine Fast Track video:

Want to Learn more?
Here's The Next steps:

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